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Keep in touch with English is important to help you prevent forgetting and improving English.

Efore supplies you daily text news in audio, it is up to date, interesting, everytime, everywhere, on android smart phone, tablet, on Windows.

Efore is convenient, you needn't read text news, let player do it for you, listen the news and know what it is in text, look up word for meaning if needed (can use EnMaster on Windows).

News is collected from popular source.

By buying service just , you can access the news daily*. Let's sign up to buy service.

* Except Sunday and holiday.

You can also use the trial version for free with limitation (a news a day).

Now you can use Efore on web which is accessed by web browser on any device by using top menu News or account for free with limitation (a news a day) is User ID/ Password: userfree/freeuser

Efore on Windows tour

Efore on Android Smart Phone, Tablet tour

Efore Free on Android Smart Phone, Tablet tour

Efore 1.2
Efore 1.2
Efore 1.2
apk file!
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Efore Free 1.2
Efore Free 1.2
Efore Free 1.2
apk file!
+84 1698 613 341
How to use Efore
  • Sign up an account on web.
  • Log in on web by new account to download Efore and setup on Windows or Android smart phone, tablet.
  • Open Efore on Windows or Android smart phone, tablet to buy service by these payment methods: Direct (Payment Code), Bank Transfer, Phone Card, PayPal.
  • Synchronize daily news and enjoy.
Change log

Efore 1.2 (released 2015-12-03)

Efore 1.1 (released 2014-04-16)

  • Feature: listen to each paragraph to help practice listening. . Watch video here.

Efore 1.0 (released 2013-02-18)

  • This is the first version

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